The Investing in America's Workforce initiative aims to share research and resources, build partnerships, and improve economic opportunity for both workers and employers. Events to further these goals include the following:

Young men and women sitting at table with paper and books
Young men and women sitting at table with paper and books
Investing in America's Workforce: Strengthening Communities, Expanding Opportunity

The September 10 event will explore the role workforce stakeholders can play in improving college and career readiness

People in conference room, with one man holding a microphone
People in conference room, with one man holding a microphone
Investing in America's Workforce Capstone Conference

A national discussion among local, regional, and national leaders about promising approaches to strengthen America's workforce

Young women with hat and apron.
Young women with hat and apron.
Job Quality Webinar Series

A three-part webinar series on strategies to improve and promote quality jobs for lower-wage workers

Investing in America's Workforce Book Launch
Investing in America's Workforce Book Launch
Book Launch Events

Discussions and meetings related to Investing in America's Workforce: Improving Outcomes for Workers and Employers


Investing in America's Workforce is a Federal Reserve System initiative in collaboration with the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University, the Ray Marshall Center of the Lyndon B. Johnson School at the University of Texas, and the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

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