In 2017, the community development departments at each of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks organized regional meetings with nearly 1,000 leaders who work at the intersection of workforce training, recruiting, and finance. They conferred on the status of and challenges that face the nation's workforce development system. Following these meetings, which were held in locations around the country over several months, the community development team at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia gathered and analyzed the information shared in those meetings, leading to a Report on Workforce Development Needs and Opportunities.
In 2018, the Federal Reserve's community development departments conducted a second series of regional meetings on topics related to broader themes captured in the 2017 report to gain a deeper understanding of workforce development issues. The topics align with community development research interests. The Fed is producing special topic briefs based on the 2018 meetings as well as research and insights collected by community development staff. These briefs will be released and posted below in early 2019.
2019 Special Topic Briefs
Understanding the Disconnect between Economic Development and Workforce Development Systems
The economic development field encourages business and job growth, while workforce development ensures individuals have the education, skills, and training needed to obtain jobs. This report provides perspectives on alignment as well as challenges and opportunities for greater alignment between the two systems, using stakeholder input from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s Fourth District.
Drew PackKyle Fee
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Digital Skills for the 21th-Century Workforce
Middle-skills jobs increasingly require workers to cultivate a robust digital skill set to compete in an economic market marked by technological innovation. This report looks at innovative strategies used to prepare workers with digital skills for 21st-century jobs.
Ashley PutnamAlvaro Sanchez
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Examining the Role of Job Separations in Black-White Labor Market Disparities
Economic trends indicate stark racial disparities in the labor market. Findings from recent studies and data from the Federal Reserve Board’s 2017 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (SHED) elaborate on the persistent black-white unemployment gap and highlights barriers to obtaining and maintaining employment.
Heidi KaplanFederal Reserve Board of Governors
Pay for Success: How Emerging Finance Tools Are Supporting Workforce Development
Pay for Success (PFS), a contractual arrangement that ties payment for delivery of services to specific measurable outcomes, has emerged in recent years as a promising tool to finance workforce development. Find out more about PFS and the challenges and opportunities in applying the model to build outcomes-oriented education and training programs.
Jeanne Milliken BondsFederal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Strengthening Workforce Development in Rural Areas
Rural areas face common workforce challenges such as a declining share of working-age individuals and greater distances
to major centers of employment. Explore opportunities for rural investments that seek to address issues around both labor
demand and supply.
Ashley BozarthWhitney M. Strifler
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
2017 Report
Investing in America's Workforce: Report on Workforce Development Needs and Opportunities
This report provides a snapshot of the workforce development sector and its key challenges. It offers strategies for improving the human capital of America’s labor force, expanding access to jobs, and innovating workforce development funding...
Noelle St.ClairFederal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia